Work in Educational Settings A Health Service Tailored To The Needs Of The Boys and Girls In Your School...
Shed Central workers have delivered programmes of services in over a hundred primary schools, secondary schools, Pupil Referral Units (PRUs), Designated Special Provision (DSP) units, colleges and universities across the Bradford and Airedale district and beyond.

Our services will significantly help to:

Build self-esteem
Build confidence
Improve educational attainment
Address sexual health risk
Provide support for young people with safeguarding needs
Provide a secure base for vulnerable young people
Reinforce positive male values We are aware that boys do less well at school than girls and are significantly more likely to be identified as having SEN issues or a mental health diagnosis. In addition, over 80% of excluded pupils are male. There is agreement that there is a correlation between educational achievement and good mental health in adult years, but also that early intervention is crucial for better outcomes for the child.
We offer: Bespoke Sex and Relationships (SRE) Programmes independently or in partnership with other NHS services. These may be negotiated with individual schools and tailored to their specific needs. We provide puberty sessions in years 6 and 7 leading on to comprehensive programmes for years 9 and 10. We are proud to have contributed to the lowering of teenage pregnancies across Bradford but see sexual health as much broader and encompassing issues such as respect, sexuality and diversity. Highly regarded School Drop-ins either as part of a wider team or as a special clinic. Counselling and psychotherapy for boys around anger management, anxiety, low-mood, relationships, bereavement, exam stress, self-harm etc Comprehensive Boys’ Health Programmes which capture the benefits of group work and address the issues which concern the boys themselves Bespoke Health Sessions tailored to the needs of the school